Members: Log in to receive $40 admission.
Students: Use discount code “STUDENTDISCOUNT” at check-in to receive $10 admission.
Inclusive Members 2019:  Do not need to register

Location: The Westin Mount Laurel
Time: 5:15 -6:00pm Registration/Networking
6:00 -8:00pm Dinner & Program

Topic: From Spreadsheets to Heartbeats:  Turning Technical Leaders into People Leaders with Theresa Hummel Krallinger

Organizations continue to promote technically proficient employees into management roles. So how do we get these newly promoted leaders up to speed? For many organizations, these new leaders learn by skinning their knees and making mistakes along the way — often costing the organization in lower productivity and turnover.

Progressive thinking organizations recognize managing people has a unique skill set, and the key to retention and productivity is good front line managers. A holistic management development program will give these new managers the foundation they need to succeed.

No money in your budget for training? Don’t fret! You can develop a meaningful management development program in-house — using your own leaders as your training team. That’s exactly what we did at a global pharmaceutical company. This program has been going strong since 2007 — and now has over 300 graduates. Does it work? The proof is in the data:  higher employee retention, higher productivity, less HR issues related to management. And not only the participants get trained — each leader and mentor that participates is learning as well. This program was built by a one-person training department, and has grown and been polished along the way.

Join us to learn how you can create your own in-house management training program. You can do it!

Theresa Hummel-Krallinger, known for her humorous and interactive presentations, is a seasoned trainer, speaker, coach, culture maven, and professional stand-up comedian. Past-President of Greater Philadelphia ATD and Blue Bell Toastmasters, she currently serves on the non-credit faculty at Temple University, teaching courses in business communications and leadership. She also moderates “Meet the Author” at the Pyramid Club, a monthly program for business book discussions.

This program is approved for 1.25 SHRM PDCs
This program has been submitted for HRCI credit.



February Speaker: Theresa Hummel Krallinger

February Sponsor

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